Lab culture
A lab culture is a work in progress that I hope to establish with my team.
As a PI my starting point will be to embrace the "Ten simple rules towards healthier research labs" by F. T. Maestre​
1: Promote the well-being of your lab members
2: Let people set their own schedules
3: Gratitude is the sign of noble souls
4: Treat your lab members as your teammates
5: Create a collaborative environment within your lab
6: Remember that every lab member is unique
7: Respect working hours, public holidays, and vacations
8: Give credit where credit is due
9: Destigmatize failure and celebrate success
10: Promote the professional development of your lab members
Lab members
Meg Cross
Undergrad 2021Â WISER|MURE|FURP
Christopher Santore
Undergrad 2020Â WISER|MURE|FURP
Christina Cheng
Undergrad 2022 WISER|MURE|FURP
Haneen Omari
Lab manager 2021-2023
Dylan Bellissimo-Meadde
Research Assitant
2023 summer
Raul Roman
Marie Curie Postdoc fellow
now at UNLV
Erika Kenst
Undergrad 2023 WISER|MURE|FURP
Chad Fautt
Ph.D. FA23 co-advisor Kevin Hockett
Nina Camillone
Ph.D. FA23 - co-advisor Mary Ann Bruns
Clare Reid
Undergrad 2024
Keya Thumar
MBIOT student
Now co-op Syngenta
Shruti Patel
MBIOT student
Now co-op J&J
Andrew Tavarez
Undergrad 2023-2024